Monday, February 5, 2007

Doing things differently

Those of you, who have been suffering from the monotony of daily chores, whether at home or in office, wake up. So many times have I read about doing things differently than doing different things in life. A single idea can break you or make you, they say. But all it takes is to believe in yourself!
Last night, I had a strange dream....I dreamt of flying. Whoa! What has idea gotta to do with it? Nothing, but somehow when I gave a serious thought to it I realized that this is my inner soul, Imagination@work. It wants to break free, wants to challenge me of great heights, would I want to go that far? I don't know, but I guess it just leaves me with one thought......have I flown high today? Have I had the courage to do things differently? Have I felt the open blue sky in front of me, ready-to-explore and set myself free from me? I am yet to find out!

Night flight to Venus? Maybe not but the soul fighters want to bring it on.


Deep Blue said...

All the best with your blog, Ipsita di

Deep Blue said...

btw, I am Papai

Hill Goat said...

no flight to mars???
(reached this blog via
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