Saturday, November 3, 2012

A Toyful Moment saved me

I realized today that when we complain about not having time to do anything good, we actually waste ourselves away. Normally, on any other given Saturdays I spend time with my family and friends - by the time Sunday kicks in I let it somehow slip away doing chores that I ignore during the busy weekdays or as we say, unwind doing nothing really worth mentioning. However, something invaluable happened this Saturday!
Recently, I volunteered to do some activity for kids with a NGO called Toybank - an organization that believes in "giving back the right to childhood" to kids who deserve so much more in their lives. Along with my friend Shalini, we visited one of the India Literacy Centers, located inside the rural suburbs of old Gurgaon, Haryana. We went around the classroom and were stunned to find a group of 35 smiling, beautiful children greeting us with a warm, "Good Morning Maam".
The next few hours that I got to spend with them were magical and experiential for me. As volunteers we got split in groups - each of us handled a group of 3-4 enthusiastic kids. As we picked a board game to play with the children my initial thoughts hovered mostly with anxiety - "Can I break the ice and make this a fun moment for them?" Oh yes, you bet I did - every single minute I spent with the curious Saraswati, observant Manoj, super intelligent Vidhan and smiling Bittoo! I was surprised to see how quickly they trained their eyes and mind to pick the sharp cues of the game, that we so popularly know as Chinese Checkers.
For most of us who have enjoyed the privileges of playing these popular games, perhaps don't realize that most of them are still waiting to be discovered by kids who do not live in conditions like you and me. However, what if you get a chance to spend sometime with them? Would you not love to creatively learn with these sharp minds? What better way than to indulge in simple board games with these kids who will amaze you with questions and observations that otherwise go unnoticed?
Yes we concluded our day with shutterbugs and memories captured in frames but what is most essential that I carried back today is priceless! A Saturday that has energized me to do more, create more and live more!

Friday, July 13, 2012

An ethereal experience

When things go bump in the night what is it that scares us? I believe the fear of unknown is addictive.
Life blessed me with one such experience. The incident took place some 12-13 years back. There was death in the family - my Grandpa had passed away after battling for 3 months with lung cancer. Sadness loomed over though we did our best to get back to normal routine.

Late in the night when we had retired to bed I was woken up by my sister - I opened my groggy eyes and saw her pointing up at the corner of the ceiling above us. There was a distinct egg-shaped light - a light that was not too bright but luminescent enough to catch our attention amidst the other faded or bright shafts of light that came from outside. This patch was different and was moving slowly. We waited for a few minutes in sheer bewilderment - the light came close to us, sort of touched us and faded away!
The feeling was indescribable joy coupled with a suspension of disbelief.
Many years later we had a similar tryst with the supernatural just before my Grandma passed away. We saw the same light in our bedroom - a little more faded but it left us with a happy-sad state of mind.
With so many years gone by I look at this incident with a cherished smile on my face. Analyzing it would probably be a kill joy and will take the ethereal quality out of it. So I am gonna let it be...but will be intrigued to read if some of you have encountered 'the unknown' .... leave a comment here! 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Writer Bug bit me this morning after a long time...anything goes from here

I think rainy season plays a major role in my life to bring out the 'author' in me. Not in a 'world-here-I-come' way but it is more like an obvious channel to express myself through writing. So now that I am here sitting and scribbling I realize my life is unfolding in strange ways.  When I say, 'anything goes from here' I mean I am ready to imbibe all the new experiences and turn them into something more meaningful - who knows what tomorrow brings.
Speaking of experiences here's one that made me happy recently! I was back to school with my daughter - well, not quite, but we had to build a zoo together during her summer vacation. My obvious reaction was not joy for sure at the first go and I blamed the school authorities for pushing their work on me. Of course you bet, I kept this hanging like a lose noose around my neck till the last minute.
A dear friend bailed me out from my incessant pangs of guilt, yeah deep down I knew I had to do this. So my pal insisted and we bought all the art work a night before Sharannya's school reopened. And voila! We managed to create a brand new shiny Zoo...with some pretty unique animals there - a pink reindeer, an orange horse, a pink panther even! Sharannya was excited and did her Mamma proud - the exhibit has found a corner in the hall of fame in her school.
All you Mommas out there - am sure you are nodding your head as you are reading along. Our share of fun never stops when it comes to doing project work for your kids. So ending on a happy note when pain turns to joyful humming a popular song sung by Hanson....enjoy :)
"You have so many relationships in this life; Only one or two will last  
You're going through all this pain and strife;
Then you turn your back and they're gone so fast;
And they're gone so fast
So hold on the ones who really care

In the end they'll be the only ones there;
When you get old and start losing your hair; 
Can you tell me who will still care; Can you tell me who will still care...
Mmm bop...."